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Visual identity

is a message

We use the knowledge and experience of our team,
to make it clear and understandable to your company’s clients.

identyfikacja wizualna_projektowanie logo_helt agencja brandingowa

Creative and
timeless projects 

We base our visual identification strategy on market trends.
We work in a way that results in a coherent visual concept.
Thoughtful and well-designed brand identity accompanies a brand for years. We understand this.

Branding_kreatywne i ponadczasowe projekty
Unikalna identyfikacja wizualna_branding

Unique and close to the customer

An individually developed visual concept is also created based on information obtained from you in brief, meticulous research and competition analysis. We always carry out the creation process in close contact with the client.

See more

A consistent  image
of your brand

Complete visual identification consists of many elements, including logotype, colors, typography, and design of promotional materials. We make sure that each of these elements is coherent and perfectly refined because of the consistency of style and message is the best way to build a lasting image for your brand.

Identyfikacja wizualna_helt

We are proud that our designers are graduates of
Academies of Fine Art, we also belong to the Association of Applied Graphic Designers (STGU).

Stages of work

Work on visual identifications is a process.
Each of the stages is equally important and allows you to achieve something unique!

strony internetowe

Competition analysis

We thoroughly research the competition.

identyfikacja wizualna_projekt logo_helt

Defining the target group

We answer the question, to whom are we addressing our message.

identyfikacja wizualna_projekt logo_helt 3

Development of form

We transform the initial ideas into a physical form.

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Choice of colors and typography

We carefully choose the font and colors based on in-depth research.

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Refining expectations

We are always close to the customer.

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Brandbook development

We create a brandbook, that regulates the principles of corporate identity and brand presentation.

strony internetowe

Competition analysis

We thoroughly research the competition.

identyfikacja wizualna_projekt logo_helt

Defining the target group

We answer the question, to whom are we addressing our message.

identyfikacja wizualna_projekt logo_helt 3

Development of form

We transform the initial ideas into a physical form.

identyfikacja wizualna_projekt logo_helt 4

Choice of colors and typography

We carefully choose the font and colors based on in-depth research.

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Refining expectations

We are always close to the customer.

identyfikacja wizualna_projekt logo_helt 6

Brandbook development

We create a brandbook, that regulates the principles of corporate identity and brand presentation.

With a Brandbook, you can work with many agencies and be sure that your company's visual identity will always be used correctly. See what this document contains:

Projektowanie logo
Logotype design

We also include instructions on how to use the mark correctly and what to avoid.

Identyfikacja wizualna_typografia

Information about the type of font, the shape of letters, their size and arrangement of lines …

projektowanie logo_identyfikacja wizualna

The precise definition of colors assigned to the brand. Defined in Pantones, RGB and CMYK.

identyfikacja wizualna_akcydensy

Design business cards, stamps, letterhead, presentation template and many more.

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